Ahad, 6 Julai 2008

Attention SMPTians ..

Netizens, friends .. SMPTians ..

Please hear me out. Apa yg admin buat kini, bukan utk menghukum sesiapa. Cuma nak pastikan blog ini menjadi satu wadah mesra antara kita .. I will keep on moderating this blog bagi mempastikan we all behaves like a responsible adults. Gurau2 kenkawan tu takder hal to me .. but starting to attack someone's personally .. that SUCKS big time people ..

If any of you don't respect the friendship that we are trying to achieve here .. the spirit of camaradie and sense of belonging to the community here .. then it is no point of you being here. What I am asking is simple. The last comments that you can see here will be the few yg aku luluskan.

Next time, those comments yg TIDAK sebut nama & kelas mana tidak akan dilayan. Meaning, demi menjaga keharmonian dan tujuan asal blog ini, aku terpaksa lakukan. Ini bukan blog politik .. ini blog friendship. Those yg telah mendaftar di www.kawanaku.com akan diberi akses terus kepada blog ini sebab .. they all telah diketahui siapa tanpa perlu ada menyorok di sebalik nama2 samaran. I'm sure by now most of you knows who am I. Apa yg perlu berselindung di sebalik nama samaran ? Kita kenal antara satu sama lain sebelum adanya ledakan internet. Now even thou everybody ada nickname sendiri, tak semestinya kita perlu bersembunyi di sebalik nama itu tanpa kawan2 lain tau siapa unless we have some kind of a hidden agenda like those kat political blogs .. even true bloggers tak berselindung di sebalik nama samaran. That shows there is HONESTY and RESPONSIBILITY.

Fikir2 kan lah ..

So anybody yg nak akses blog ini secara jujur, please e-mail me at soulman65@gmail.com with full details (nama & dari kelas mana). Anyone else yg berminat untuk join in also dialu-alukan untuk e-mel aku. Thank you for understanding.

31 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

cian kita sume nih...tgh syiok tenet..baru nk dpt borak2 ngan member lama dah jadi gini...akibat sorang main lumpur...abis sume kena terkena....tak pasal jer kan dah jadik slow chatting nih...tmbah lagik keje admin....

p/s sesiapa yg nk main lumpur tu gi ler kat kubang main sorang sorang....jgn attack2 orang...tak bagus lerrrr...


Thanks adminn 4 the action taken. Kita pon mmg suka reramai post comments but if you're starting to open up cans of worm yg tak patut pon d bukak....Then its not proper.
Cerita lama2 2 is sometimes secret shared between 2 friends. Walaupun dah 26 years has passed tp ia tetap akan jd a secret 2 those concern.
Nanti ada yg terluka pasal konon2 gurauan....

The Admin berkata...

for those yg sudah dikenal & properly introduced .. aku approved korang derang i.e malau, norfaridah

the rest please e-mail aku dulu ..

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Tu la main2 lagi .Kan dah ke tapis

The Admin berkata...

zainal .. just now ko ke yg e-mail aku ? Thanks for the renungan bro ..

kumaiman berkata...

zainal ahmad, sori aku yg tulis zainal abidin. nanti aku bagitau tok kadi zainal abidin tu ko gak.. hehe.. jadik sah gak..
soalan aku.. niat ada..ada berani ke?

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Gua punya renungan pun kena tapis ke?

The Admin berkata...

manader tapis .. tu ko hantar kat e-mel aku .. ko post ler kat ruang komen nih ..


Norfaridah , malau nje ke ???? Awin anor .....????? Kita tak nyamor sbb dlm blogger a/c pon itu la namanya....

The Admin berkata...

tu contoh jer lerr ..

Tanpa Nama berkata...

haa kan dah cemas awin anor...jgn takut nama kita tak kena potong nye...heheheh...kira permanent resident kat sini


Alhamdulillah....takut kita !!!! Kalau tak kemana lagi nak crita ngan kengkawan.....

Tanpa Nama berkata...

What happen to you guys,

Be realistic! Some of it happen more than two decades ago. Nothing could harm you unless you feel it will do so.

To make it short and precise, me Ubat Gegat, like to ask for appology to anyone that who ever hurt with what had I wrote before.

Thank you admin to publish this in to your blog. I promised myself I will not ever to drop by to this blog again after this. I feel so sorry to drop by that day.

Ubat Gegat...

Tanpa Nama berkata...

"..Alihkan mata mu ke laut, airnya cantik membiru & penuh dengan ketenangan.. Tetapi hanya ALLAH sahaja tahu rahsia di dlmnya. begitulah dgn. kehidupan manusia, riang ketawa.. Tetapi Hanya ALLAH yg. tahu rahsia kehidupannya. Jika kau rasa kecewa, maka pandanglah sungai. Airnya tetap mengalir biar pun bjuta2 batu menghalang. Jika kau rasa sedih, pandanglah ke langit,kau akan sedar bahawa ALLAH sentiasa bersama mu.."

The Admin berkata...

Ubat Gegat ..

First of all, you don't need to apologize to this community .. you just need to apologize to the person that you've referred to in the earlier comment, awin anor. As you can see she was taken aback by your comment on what can be referred to as the happiest day in her life. Probably you're a bit cheeky on your comment and you don't even had any animosity towards her other than to offer your friendship in a certain way. Furthermore, you just refer yourself as Ubat Gegat, which nobody here know who you really are and you don't even e-mail me of informing your name and which class you're from. It's kinda fuelled up the curiosity of untrust in the community.

I published you comment here due to the respect that you've realized that the fact of your comment hurt the feelings of awin anor and to make things back to normal again. You're always welcome here with the notion that you will reveal who you are .. at least to me first. I do believe that you deserves to be here if you are one of SMPTs Alumni.

Just swallow your pride and everything will be fine. Trust me .. I did ..

Thank You.


Thanks adminn...Kita tak brape kesah pasal c gegat 2...Tp its more kepada hubby kita.....Kena gak jaga prasaan dia....
Kita tau what goes on dlm life kita and tiada sape yg berhak to say otherwise...So please lepas ni, jaga la hati kawan2 and spouse mereka....

The Admin berkata...

know the feeling .... been there, done that ..

Bauh....... berkata...

mungkin aku terlepas cerita cerita yg menjadi sebab kena block. apa citernya. siapa ubat gegat tu?

The Admin berkata...

nevermind lerr .. sumer dah settle .. just a small misunderstanding .. kita concentrate on the reunion okay ?

Tanpa Nama berkata...


aku rasa semenjak dua menjak blog ni diblok, nampaknya dah x meriah dah.. ramai yang dah x comments lagi.. so my suggestion why don't you open back, we are adults, may be some of us malu nak reveal nama memasing.. biar ajelah, asalkan derang x attack sesaper sudah lah...aku bukan apa cam dah x best nak posting and baca komen kat sini...

Pastu, lagi satu.. kalau posting lambat lak nak keluar tu ialah ko kena filter dulu...

thanks soul.. hope others agreed with me..


Thanks again adminn...You're the best !!!!! Ade le unsur2 bodek tp you deserve it .........Hehehehee

The Admin berkata...

then comes to the next question .. naper mesti malu .. in here kami x kesah who u are .. it's how's ur perspective is in the word friendship itself .. who know's, some of ur old classmate is looking for u ? and this blog in some way can help u to reach out that long lost friend .. it's how I look at it anyway .. but that's me ..

Aku buka kepada pendapat org lain .. if the masses/majority nak aku unblock .. by all means .. let's do it .. I'm all for it .. as long as kita berada di dalam ni sebagai sahabat lama yg lama kita tidak ketemu ..

Wallahualam ..

Tanpa Nama berkata...

i just give my opinion, its up to others... cuma aku rasa blog makin malap...dan suram.. hanya ada beberapa nama yg familiar ajer yg rajin nak komen...

The Admin berkata...

just give them the benefit of doubts for the time being .. memasing sibuk dgn urusan kerja dan peribadi .. let us see after the reunion macam mana keadaan .. I can see dah ada a few additional names kat kawanaku.com tu .. maybe you, freeda and awin boleh bantu dgn send them a e-mail or two just to break the ice .. wana masih blom ada internet conn kat rumah dia lagi sbb baru pindah .. hope u guys can help out ..

Thank you ..

Tanpa Nama berkata...

akibat sorang main lumpur inilah jadinya.....rosak effort yg dibuat oleh admin ..kenalak pantau apa yg dihtr....sepatutnya semakin dekat dengan reunion day semakin meriah blog ini.....semakin ramai yg muncul mengaku siapa dirinya, tak perlu tunggu hingga reunion kerana mungkin reunion ada yg tak dapat pergi..

kesal dgn perbuatan ubat gegat.....bla bla bla


Kita tak ada masaalah in lifting the block tp no more la, tiada nama dan nama2 yg ntah ape2..introduce yourself...we want to know who you are. Kita pon rasa this blog dah jd slow.
Tp the key word is proper conduct. Jgn saja2 nak bantai org. Joke is joke, kita semua boleh terima a good joke !!! Tp kalau dah tarnish org punya maruah...its a no then.
So adminn kita setuju d kembalikan spt asal...Harap U all yg nak join, please be decent...We need friendship only...


Orait Adminn, akan jlnkan tugas jd ice breaker kat kawanaku....Jom la ramai2 register kat sana....now dah ada 13..with the latest Norliza Rahman.
Norfaridah where are U ? Lama tak join kat kawanaku.....

The Admin berkata...

faridah .. maybe ubat gegat was wrong on writing that post .. tapi kita di sini tak mau beranggapan negatif dahulu .. kita tak tahu siapa dia sebenar .. mungkin dia tidak berniat utk mengeruhkan keadaan, dlm excitement berjumpa kembali kenkawan lama, dia tulis posting nakal tu .. anyway I think he got the message that all we want in here adalah utk menjalin kembali persahabatan lama yg telah sekian lama terputus.

salam ..

The Admin berkata...

Thanks Awin for helping out ..


Adminn...maybe action taken hari tu adalah yg terbaik...At least we see real persons surfacing !!!
So kita anggap its for the best.
Keep it up you guys, tell us who you are...
Tp apa2 pun gegat really brought chaos to those concerned.

The Admin berkata...

let bygones be bygones .. nnt jadi shieldtox plak .. hehe ..

kita lupakan episode yg lepas .. kita buka lembaran baru ..